'pywinauto' is a python module to automate windows GUI applications. 'pywinauto' in turn uses 'SendKeys' and 'ctypes' python modules. In this post I'll discuss the installation of 'pywinauto' module and its dependencies. I'll also discuss automation of notepad using pywinauto . So lets start..
above code will invoke notepad application.
As stage set for us, let us try to simple GUI automation of notepad application. Copy the below code and save it as python (.py) file and run the file. Most of the code is self explanatory if not comments will help you in understating the code.
In the next post I'll discuss automation controls and SendKeys mini syntax ( the strings we used in TypeKeys methods)
- Download and install Python 2.7
- 'ctypes' module comes with Python 2.7 , so no need to install it.
- Download appropriate version of SendKeys module installer from here.
- All the dependencies are installed , now download 'pywinauto' bundle(zip file) from here.
- Extract zip file to a folder
- Copy pywinauto and sandbox folders from extracted location to "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages" (default python external modules folder)
- Installation of pywinauto is completed with previous step, test pywinauto using the below script.
import pywinauto app = pywinauto.application.Application() app.start_("notepad")
above code will invoke notepad application.
As stage set for us, let us try to simple GUI automation of notepad application. Copy the below code and save it as python (.py) file and run the file. Most of the code is self explanatory if not comments will help you in understating the code.
from pywinauto import application #start notepad application window = application.Application().start_("notepad") #Display/type hello world using TypeKeys method, Edit is the text editor control of notepad application window.Notepad.Edit.TypeKeys("Hello World",with_spaces = True) #Goto new line, its like pressing Enter key on keyboard window.Notepad.Edit.TypeKeys("{ENTER}") #with_spaces = fale by default window.Notepad.Edit.TypeKeys("Text Without spaces will be like this") window.Notepad.Edit.TypeKeys("{ENTER}") window.Notepad.Edit.TypeKeys("Today Date is: ",with_spaces = True) window.Notepad.Edit.TypeKeys("{F5}{ENTER}") #Pressing F5 in notepad will print date window.Notepad.Edit.TypeKeys("Now let us save the file",with_spaces = True) #we can access the menu bar using MenuSelect method window.Notepad.MenuSelect("File->Save") #top_window_() will return the currently focused child window saveDlg = window.top_window_() #below 3 lines will save the file saveDlg.TypeKeys("notepadAtumation") saveDlg.print_control_identifiers() saveDlg.Save.Click() #close the notepad application window.Notepad.MenuSelect("File->Exit")
In the next post I'll discuss automation controls and SendKeys mini syntax ( the strings we used in TypeKeys methods)
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